A recent study by Audrey Brunet and colleagues ( Prevalence and clinical relevance of cholelithiasis in cats: A multicenter retrospective study of 98 cases – PMC (nih.gov) ) confirmed that cholelithiasis (gall stone disease) is an uncommon occurrence in cats. The research team have provided some useful data regarding this uncommon condition.
Cholelithiasis may be an incidental finding when performing abdominal ultrasonography and no treatment may be necessary. However, in symptomatic cats, cholelithiasis may be associated with other hepatobiliary disease or biliary tract obstruction and prognosis may be poorer. Medical management may be all that is required for some cases and surgical options carry significant risk factors.
For further information on cholelithiasis, bile duct disease, associated diseases and surgical procedures, check out the following articles in Vetlexicon Felis:
Bile Duct Disease : https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/gastrohepatology/articles/bile-duct-disease/
Gallbladder Disease Overview : https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/gastrohepatology/articles/gallbladder-disease-overview/
Liver Cholangitis Cholangiohepatitis : https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/gastrohepatology/articles/liver-cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis/
Cholecystectomy : https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/gastrohepatology/articles/cholecystectomy/
Cholecystotomy in Cats : https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/gastrohepatology/articles/cholecystotomy/
Cholecystoenterostomy : https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/gastrohepatology/articles/cholecystoenterostomy/
Take a look at what’s updated on Felis for November! 🐈🐱
New Content
Diagnostic Tree: https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/cardiology/diagnostic-trees/heart-rhythm-assessment/
New Client Factsheets
Client Factsheet: https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/client-information/client-factsheets/kitten-development-1-8-weeks/
Client Factsheet: https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/client-information/client-factsheets/kitten-development-8-12-weeks/
Client Factsheet: https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/client-information/client-factsheets/kitten-development-3-6-months/
Client Factsheet: https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/reproduction/client-factsheets/kitten-development-6-12-months/
Updated Content
Article: https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/critical-care/articles/abdomen-trauma/
Article: https://www.vetlexicon.com/felis/critical-care/articles/disseminated-intravascular-coagulation/
As FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) cases rise in Cyprus, the BVA issued advice to UK cat owners to raise awareness and encourage their understanding.
The alarming increase in FIP cases reportedly started in the capital city of Nicosia in January 2023 and spread throughout the whole island within 3-4 months. The cases reported concerned both street and domestic cats.
Dr Justine Shotton, Senior Vice President, British Veterinary Association, responded to the news with:
“The reported cases of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in Cyprus are understandably concerning. However, FIP is a condition seen in cats in the UK and so while tests are ongoing to determine if this is a new strain of the virus, our current advice for cat owners is to contact their vet if they have any concerns about their pet’s health or welfare and discuss any preventative healthcare options.
“Cats being imported from Cyprus to the UK should be tested for the virus before travel and not be moved if they test positive. As a precautionary measure, anyone travelling to Cyprus for a holiday should avoid touching cats there and make sure to clean the soles of their shoes and suitcase wheels before leaving to avoid inadvertently bringing the virus into the UK.”
Vetlexicon Felis hosts a library of multimedia content covering FIP and related topics. Updated regularly, this is a great support tool to lead you through these outbreaks whilst refreshing your knowledge.
Article: Feline infectious peritonitis
Article: FIP / FCoV tests
Client Factsheet: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Article: Feline coronavirus: FIP