BSc(Hons) MA VetMB CertAVP(ZooMed) DZooMed(Reptilian) MRCVS
Byre Veterinary Surgery, Werrington, UK
Sarah qualified from Cambridge University in 2006. Since then, she has been working in small animal and exotic first opinion and referral practice. She has also been involved with RSPCA rabbit clinics and reptile clinics. Prior to her veterinary degree, Sarah gained a BSc (Honours) degree in Zoology and has travelled and worked at various Zoos and Animal Parks in the UK, Australia and South Africa. She is a member of the British Veterinary Zoological Society and an advisor for the Invertebrate Health Working Group for British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquaria. Sarah has gained the RCVS Certificate for Advanced Veterinary Practice in Zoo Medicine. She is currently a Veterinary Surgeon at Byre Veterinary Surgery in the UK.