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Phil Nicholls



Phil Nicholls

BSc BVSc PhD FRCPath Grad Cert Health Professional Education

Murdoch University, Australia


Thirty years of teaching and clinical practice in higher education, across 5 universities in the UK and Australia, have not diminished Phil’s passion for histology and pathology. Practice and research in these fields, coupled with his own teaching experiences, feedback from students and peers, and continuing formal and informal professional development, have continually forced re-appraisal of how best to facilitate learning, especially within a context of a transition away from face to face education.

My interests centre on histology and pathology, including animal models of human disease, and diseases of wildlife. I have 71 papers and 2 book chapters in the peer-reviewed literature, cited 2060 times, and an H-index of 24. Phil’s publications can be found at Murdoch University’s Research Repository.