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Yvonne McGrotty



Yvonne McGrotty


Idexx Veterinary Laboratories Ltd, UK & Clinique Vétocéane, France


Yvonne graduated from University of Glasgow in 1997. After 2 years in small animal practice she returned to Glasgow Vet School where she completed a residency in small animal medicine. Yvonne was awarded the European Diploma in Small Animal Medicine in 2006 and is both a RCVS and European Veterinary Specialist in Internal Medicine. Yvonne has more than 15 years of experience working in private referral hospitals across the UK and has published widely in veterinary journals. Yvonne currently works for a small animal referral practice in Nantes, France and is also an internal medicine consultant for IDEXX Laboratories Ltd in the UK.

Published Papers
  1. McGrotty Y.L. & Randell, S. How to Diagnose Polyuria and Polydipsia in Dogs (2019) Vet Record; 110-111.
  2. McGrotty Y.L. & Randell, S. Diagnostic Approach to Canine Polyuria and Polydipsia (2019) In Practice. 41, 249-258.
  3. McGrotty, Y.L. Notes on Hyperparathyroidism. In BSAVA Companion, October 2018
  4. Darcy, H et al. Feline Primary Erythrocytosis: A Multicentre Case Series of 18 Cats (2018) Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery
  5. McGrotty, Y.L. Notes on Adder Bites. In BSAVA Companion, December 2017
  6. McGrotty, Y.L. Notes on DOCP. In BSAVA Companion, August 2017
  7. McGrotty, Y.L. Notes on SDMA. In BSAVA Companion, December 2016
  8. McGrotty, Y.L. Bell, R & McLauchlan, G. Disorders of plasma proteins (2015). Eds. In: BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Clinical Pathology, 3rd Edition. Eds. E. Villiers & Ristic, J. BSAVA, Gloucester.
  9. McGrotty, Y. and Dickson, L. An Introduction to Choosing and Caring for an Endoscope (2014) In Practice 36:378-389.
  10. Brown, A.J. and McGrotty, Y.L. Management of Acute Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs (2013) Current Veterinary Literature
  11. McGrotty, Y. and Bilbrough, G. Blood gases, electrolytes and interpretation 2. Electrolytes (2013) In Practice 35: 115-121.
  12. McGrotty, Y. and Brown, A. Blood gases, electrolytes and interpretation 1. Blood Gases (2013) In Practice 35: 59-65.
  13. McLauchlan, G., Knottenbelt, C., Augusto, M, Helm, J., McGrotty, Y., & Ramsey, I.K. (2010) Retrospective evaluation of the effect of trilostane on insulin requirement and fructosamine concentration in eight diabetic dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. Journal of Small Animal Practice 51 (12) 642-648.
  14. McGrotty, Y. Medical Management of Acute and Chronic Vomiting in Dogs and Cats (2010) In Practice 32: 478-483.
  15. McGrotty, Y.L. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney disease in small animals. (2008) In Practice 30: 502-507.
  16. Platt, S., McGrotty, Y.L., Abramson, C. & Jakobs, C. Refractory Seizures Associated with an Organic Aciduria in a Dog (2007) Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 43:163-167
  17. Bell, R., Neiger, R., McGrotty, Y.L., & Ramsey, I.K. Effects of once daily trilostane administration on cortisol concentrations and ACTH responsiveness in hyperadrenocorticoid dogs. (2006) The Veterinary Record
  18. McGrotty, Y.L., Arteaga, A., Knottenbelt, C.M., Ramsey, I.R., Mellor, D. & Eckersall, P.D. Haptoglobin concentration in dogs undergoing trilostane treatment for hyperadrenocorticism (2005) Veterinary Clinical Pathology 34: 3, 255-258.
  19. McGrotty, Y.L. & Tennant, K. Disorders of plasma proteins (2005). Eds. In: BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Clinical Pathology, 2nd Edition. Eds. E. Villiers & L. Blackwood, pp 99-112. BSAVA, Gloucester.
  20. McGrotty, Y.L. & Doust, R.T. Management of peritonitis in Dogs and Cats (2004) In Practice 26: 7, 358-367.
  21. McGrotty, Y.L., Knottenbelt, C.M., Ramsey, I.K. Reid, S.W.J. & Eckersall, P.D. Evaluation of a rapid assay for canine C-Reactive Protein (2004) The Veterinary Record 154: 175-176
  22. McGrotty, Y.L., Knottenbelt, C.M., Doust, R.T., Ramsey, I.K. & Sullivan, M. Complications of open peritoneal drainage in nine dogs with gastrointestinal leakage (2003) The Irish Veterinary Journal 56 (7): 354-360.
  23. McGrotty, Y.L., Knottenbelt, C.M., Ramsey, I.K. Reid, S.W.J. & Eckersall, P.D. Haptoglobin concentration in a canine hospital population. (2003) The Veterinary Record 152: 562-564.
  24. McGrotty, Y.L., Ramsey, I.K. & Knottenbelt, C.M. Diagnosis and management of hepatic copper accumulation in a Skye terrier (2003) Journal of Small Animal Practice February 44: 85-89.
  25. What is Your Diagnosis?- Dilated cardiomyopathy in a cat (2003) Journal of Small Animal Practice 44: 429.
  26. McGrotty, Y.L. & Knottenbelt, C.M. Significance of plasma protein abnormalities in dogs and cats (2002) In Practice 24: 9, 512-517.
  27. Ramsey, I.K. & McGrotty, Y.L. Investigation of polyuria and polydipsia in the dog (2002) In Practice 24: 8, 434-441.
  28. McGrotty, Y.L. and Knottenbelt, C.M. (2002) Oesophageal stricture in a cat due to oral administration of tetracyclines. Journal of Small Animal Practice 43: 221-223.
  29. Demetriou, J.L., Foale, R.D., Ladlow, J.D., McGrotty, Y.L., Faulkner, J. & Kirby, B.M. (2002) Canine and feline pyothorax: a retrospective study of 50 cases in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Journal of Small Animal Practice 43: 388-394.
  30. What is Your Diagnosis?- Cirrhosis in a terrier. (2001) Journal of Small Animal Practice 42: 477.
  31. What is Your Diagnosis?- Pericardial effusion due to a heart base tumour in a dog (2001) Journal of Small Animal Practice 42, 573.