Nathalie Wissink-Argilaga | Vetlexicon
Nathalie Wissink-Argilaga



Nathalie Wissink-Argilaga

LicVet CertAVP(ZooMed) GPCert(ExAP) DZooMed(Reptilian) MRCVS

Chipping Norton Veterinary Hospital, Oxfordshire, UK


Nathalie graduated from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain in 2004 and came to the UK in 2005. After completing a rotating internship at Davies Veterinary Specialists she took up a position at a busy mixed and exotics practice in Bedfordshire, initially as a mixed vet and then as Lead of the Exotics and Zoo Medicine Department. Here she saw mainly first opinion and referral exotic and zoo cases. Nathalie is now at Chipping Norton Veterinary Practice where she is hoping to further develop the first opinion and referral exotic service.