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Glucose tolerance test
Synonym(s): oral glucose tolerance, intravenous glucose tolerance
- For diagnosis of 'glucose intolerance' in pre-diabetic cases Diabetes mellitus.
- For diagnosis of insulinoma Insulinoma.
- For diagnosis of 'glucose intolerance' in pre-diabetic cases Diabetes mellitus.
- For diagnosis of insulinoma Insulinoma.
In combination
- With insulin assays Insulin assay, for diagnosis of insulinoma Insulin: glucose ratio.
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- Glucose assays Blood biochemistry: glucose, widely available.
Technique intrinsic limitations
- There is always a risk of life-threatening hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia, developing on glucose challenge in animals with insulinoma.
- Sudden rises in plasma glucose stimulate massive insulin secretion.
Result Data
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Further Reading
Refereed papers
- Recent references from VetMedResource and PubMed.
- Feldhahn J R et al (1999) The effect of interday variation and a short term stressor on insulin sensitivity in clinically normal cats. J Fel Med Surg 1 (4), 233-240.
- Martin G J W et al (1999) Food intake and blood glucose in normal and diabetic cats fed ad libitum. J Fel Med Surg 1 (4), 241-251.
- Link K R J & Rand J S (1998) Reference values for glucose tolerance and glucose tolerance status in cats. JAVMA 213, 492-496.
- Link K R J, Rand J S & Hendrikz J K (1997) Evaluation of a simplified intravenous glucose tolerance test and a reflective glucose meter for use in cats. Vet Rec 140, 253-256.
- Sparkes A H, Adams D T, Cripps P J et al(1996) Inter and intraindividual variability in the reponse to intravenous glucose tolerance testing in cats. Am J Vet Res 57, 1294-1298.
- Nelson R W, Himsel C A, Feldman E C & Bottoms G D (1990) Glucose tolerance and insulin response in normal weight and obese cats. Am J Vet Res 51, 1357-1362.
Other sources of information
- Norton F (1985) The normal feline intravenous glucose tolerance test curve and concurrent insulin response curve. Proc 3rd Ann Med Forum, San Diego.