- Introduction of fluid into rectum and colon distends the bowel and stimulates normal expulsive reflexes.
- Evacuation of feces for:
- Treatment of constipation Constipation.
- Management of some poisonings, ie binding of toxin in bowel lumen and removal from body.
- Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy Hepatic encephalopathy, ie removal of toxins from large bowel to prevent absorption and binding of ammonia in gut.
- Preparation for:
- Surgical procedures.
- Colonoscopy Colonoscopy.
- Radiographic studies, eg intravenous urethrography Radiography: intravenous urography.
- Drug administration.
- Administration of radiographic contrast agents.
- Nutrient administration.
- As part of lower gastrointestinal contrast study Radiography: large intestine contrast.
- Simple.
- Equipment readily available in practice.
- Rapid procedure.
- Non-invasive.
- Effective if performed well.
- Very messy.
- If poorly done can be worse than not performing at all.
Alternative techniques
Do not use sodium phosphate enemas in cats.
- Commercial mini enema kits (designed for human use):
- Come in ready prepared packs with small nozzle therefore suitable for cats.
- Manual bowel evacuation:
- Digital per rectum (but unable to reach far into rectum).
- Surgical evacuation.
Time required
- Time to gather equipment.
- 15 -30 min depending on time taken for animal to evacuate bowel.
Decision taking
Criteria for choosing test
- Selection of enema solution depends on reason for procedure:
- Tap water is cheap and adequate for many circumstances:
- Can be repeated every 30 min.
- 5-10 ml/kg.
- Liquid paraffin or mineral oil may soften and lubricate impacted feces better but are difficult to clean from fur afterwards:
- Repeat every 1-2 hours as necessary.
- 2-3 ml/kg.
- Docusate sodium.
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