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Skin: congenital and hereditary defect – overview
- The scientific literature consists of small numbers of reported cases for most conditions.
- In most conditions the animals should not be used for breeding.
- Disorders of the surface and follicular epithelium:
- Primary seborrhea Primary seborrhea (Persian Persian longhair).
- Ichthyosis.
- Aplasia cutis (epitheliogenesis imperfecta).
- Epidermolysis bullosa (Siamese Siamese).
- Disorders of hairs and hair growth:
- Pili torti.
- Shaft disorder of Abyssinian cats Abyssinian.
- Alopecic breeds (feline alopecia universalis Feline alopecia universalis) (Sphinx cat Sphynx).
- The "Rex" mutation as seen in the Devon Devon Rex and Cornish Rex breed Cornish Rex.
- Congenital hypotrichosis Congenital hypotrichosis in Birman Birman, Burmese Burmese, Devon Devon Rex and Cornish Rex Cornish Rex and Siamese Siamese .
- Feline pinnal alopecia (Siamese)
- Disorders of pigmentation - hyperpigmentary disorders:
- Lentigo simplex in orange cats.
- Tricoloration can be considered a congenital defect.
- Nevi.
- Disorders of pigmentation - hypopigmentary disorders Skin: pigmentary disorders:
- Chediak-Higashi syndrome Chediak-Higashi syndrome (Persian cats Persian longhair) with yellow eyes and blue smoke hair coat color.
- Vitiligo (Siamese Siamese).
- Waardenburg-Klein syndrome.
- Disorders of collagen:
- Cutaneous asthenia Skin: cutaneous asthenia .
- Behavioral disorders:
- Psychogenic alopecia Psychogenic alopecia (Siamese and Abyssinian).
- Tail sucking (Siamese).
- Atopy Skin: atopic dermatitis:
- A criteria for the diagnosis of atopy in other species is that it has a hereditary component. Although atopy is thought to occur in cats currently little evidence of heredity has been published.
- Dermatophytosis Dermatophytosis:
- Persians and Himalayans are predisposed to dermatophytosis and to granuloma dermatophytosis.
- Idiopathic facial dermatitis:
- Persians and Himalayans, dirty face syndrome Facial dermatitis of Persian and Himalayan cats.
- Urticaria pigmentosa:
- Himalayans and Sphinx.
- Histiocytic mast cell tumours Mastocytoma:
- Siamese.
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Further Reading
Refereed papers
- Recent references from PubMed and VetMedResource.
- Alhaidari Z, Thierry O, Spadafora A et al (2005) Junctional epidermolysis bullosa in two domestic shorthair kittens. Vet Dermatol 16 (1), 69-73 PubMed.
- Noli C, Colombo S, Abramo F et al (2004) Papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (feline urticaria pigmentosa) in Devon Rex cats: A distinct disease entity or a histopathological reaction pattern? Vet Dermatol 15 (4), 253-259 PubMed.
- Bond R, Curtis K, Ferguson E A et al (2000) An idiopathic facial dermatitis of Persian cats. Vet Dermatol 11 (1), 35-41 VetMedResource.
- Tomoko M, Masahiko N & Tsuneo S (1999) Urticaria pigmentosa in the mother and a daughter of Sphinx Cats. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Dermatology 5 (4), 37-39 J-Stage.
- Vitale C B, Ihrke P J, Olivry T et al (1996) Feline urticaria pigmentosa in three related Sphinx cats. Vet Dermatol 7 (4), 227-233 VetMedResource.
- White S D, Dunstan R W, Olivry T et al (1993) Dystrophic (dermolytic) epidermolysis bullosa in a cat. Vet Dermatol 4 (2), 91-5 VetMedResource.
- Cowles B E, Meyers K M, Wardrop K J (1992) Prolonged bleeding times of Chediak-Higashi cats corrected by platelet transfusion. Thromb Haemost 67 (6), 708-12 PubMed.
- Guaguere E & Alhaidari Z (1990) Pigmentary disturbances. Advances in Veterinary Dermatology 1, 395.
- Paradis M & Scott D W (1990) Hereditary primary seborrhea oleosa in Persian cats. Feline Practice 18 (1), 17-20 VetMedResource.
- Wilkinson G T & Kistenson T S (1989) A hair abnormality in Abyssinian cats. JSAP 30 (1), 27-28 VetMedResource.
- Bourdeau P, Leonetti D, Maroille J M et al (1988) Generalized hereditary alopecia in cats; three cases in a litter of Sacred Burmese. Rec Med Vet 164 (1), 17-24 VetMedResource.
- Chastain C B, Turk M A, O'Brien D (1988) Benign cutaneous mastocytosis in two litters of Siamese kittens. JAVMA 193 (8), 959-60 PubMed.
- Freeman L J, Hegreberg G A, Robinette J D (1987) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in dogs and cats. Semin Vet Med Surg Small Anim 2 (3), 221-7 PubMed.
- Prieur D J, Collier L L (1987) Neutropenia in cats with the Chediak-Hagashi syndrome. Can J Vet Res 51 (3), 407-408 PubMed.
- Scott D W (1987) Lentigo simplex in orange cats. Companion Animal Practice 1 (2), 23-25 VetMedResource.
- Geary M R & Baker K P (1986) The occurrence of pili torti in a litter of kittens in England. JSAP 27 (2), 85-88 VetMedResource.
- Wilcock B P, Yager J A, Zink M C (1986) The morphology and behavior of feline cutaneous mastocytomas. Vet Pathol 23 (3), 320-4 PubMed.
- Thoday K (1981) Skin diseases of the cat. In Practice 3 (6), 22-35 PubMed.
- Collier L L, Leathers C W, Counts D F (1980) A clinical description of dermatosparaxis in a Himalayan cat. Feline Practice 10 (5), 25-36 VetMedResource.
- Counts D F, Byers P H, Holbrook K A (1980) Dermatosparaxis in a Himalayan cat I. Biochemical studies of dermal collagen. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 74 (2), 96-9 PubMed.
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- Munday B L (1970) Epitheliogenesis imperfecta in lambs and kittens. British Veterinary Journal 126 (12), xlvii PubMed.
Other sources of information
- Kociba G J (2000) Leukocyte changes in disease: Chediak-Hagashi syndrome. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine.5th ed. Philadelphia, W B Saunders Vol 2, pp 1848.
- Bettenay S V (1998) Feline atopy approach to diagnosis and management. In:Proc 14th Ann Mtg Am Ass Vet Dermatol American Coll Vet Dermatol, San Antonio 21.
- Scott Miller & Griffin (1995) Congenital and Hereditary defects. In: Scott, Miller & Griffin Small Animal Dermatology. 5th ed. Saunders, Philadelphia pp 745.
- Casal M (1993) Congenital hypotrichosis with thymic aplasia in nine Burmese kittens. ACVIM Abstract No 68, Washington.
- Gross T L, Ihrke P J & Walder E J (1992) Vitiligo. In: TL Gross, PJ Ihrke & EJ Walder Veterinary Dermatopathology, Mosby Year Book, St Louis, pp150.
- Johnstone I (1992) A hereditary junctional mechanobullous disease in the cat. Proceedings of the World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology 2, 111.