Neurology: vestibular disease
- Cause: damage to the vestibular system which is responsible for maintenance of the normal orientation of the trunk, limbs and eyes with respect to the position and movements of the head.
- Signs: disturbed equilibrium and ataxia, without paresis.
- Diagnosis: history and clinical signs (exacerbated by blindfolding).
- Treatment: appropriate treatment of the primary cause of the vestibular damage.
- Prognosis: guarded - affected animals often centrally accommodate with time and can return to their previous function, although signs can still be elucidated by blindfolding.
Presenting signs
- Ataxia (inco-ordination).
- Head tilt.
- Nystagmus.
- Weakness of ipsilateral extensor muscles; may lean against walls.
- Ear droop, twisted muzzle and corneal ulcer if cranial nerve VII is concurrently affected.
Acute presentation
- Falling or rolling to side of lesion.
- Head tilt.
- Nystagmus.
- Circling.
- Panic attacks, disorientation, wild thrashing attempts to stand.
- Ear droop, paralyzed facial muscles of eye, ear, cheek and muzzle and corneal ulcer if cranial nerve VII is concurrently affected.
- Central or peripheral nervous system lesions:
- Central:
- Head trauma CNS: brain trauma .
- Infectious meningoencephalitides Equine viral encephalitides .
- Metabolic encephalopathies Liver: hepatoencephalopathy .
- Focal brainstem disease, eg protozoal myeloencephalitis CNS: Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) , parasite migration CNS: verminous encephalomyelitis .
- Mycotoxicosis Mycotoxicosis , eg Dallis grass toxicity.
- Space-occupying lesions, eg abscess, tumor.
- Acute skull fracture, secondary to temporohyoid osteopathy.
- Peripheral:
- Head trauma CNS: brain trauma .
- Polyneuritis equi Polyneuritis equi .
- Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy Temporohyoid joint: osteoarthropathy .
- Otitis media/interna Ear: otitis externa / otitis media .
- Idiopathic.
- Lightening strike.
- Central:
- Otitis media/interna Ear: otitis externa / otitis media .
- Temporohyoid bone fusion prior to skull fracutre (chronic problem).
- The vestibular system maintains balance, and orientation of the trunk, limbs and eyes with respect to the position and movements of the head.
- The vestibular system comprises a receptor organ within the inner ear (within the petrous temporal bone) and the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIIIth cranial nerve).
- The facial nerve (VIIth cranial nerve) is closely associated with the vestibulocochelar nerve and the petrous temporal bone, and they enter the internal auditory meatus together.
- Vestibular disease usually results in disturbed equilibrium and ataxia, without paresis.
- Disorders are usually unilateral.
- Extension of the suppurative process in otitis media Ear: otitis externa / otitis media into the adjacent facial canal and internal auditory meatus or temporohyoid joint disease Temporohyoid joint: osteoarthropathy may → sudden fracture of the petrous bone → acute signs of vestibular and facial nerve dysfunction.
- Extension of the infection through the internal acoustic meatus can → focal suppurative meningitis, fever and depression; complicating the signs and worsening the prognosis.
- Idiopathic vestibular syndrome may be the result of transient disease of the vestibular nerve, eg viral or immune-mediated neuritis or labyrinthitis.
- Central and visual accommodation often occurs with time, and the horse can return to its former use, although signs of vestibular disease can still be stimulated by blindfolding (Rombergs test).
- Idiopathic vestibular syndrome: can be very acute in onset and full recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks without treatment.
- Tremorgenic mycotoxocosis: full recovery occurs a few days to several weeks following early removal of the affected fodder.
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Further Reading
Refereed papers
- Recent references from PubMed and VetMedResource.
- Hahn C (2008) Common peripheral nerve disorders in the horse. In Pract 30 (6), 322-329 VetMedResource.
- Sargent S J, Frank L A, Buchanan B R et al (2006) Otoscopic, cytological and microbiological examination of the equine external ear canal. Vet Dermatol 17 (3), 175-181 PubMed.
- MacKay R J (2004) Brain injury after head trauma: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 20 (1), 199-216 PubMed.
- Pease A P, van Biervliet J, Dykes N L et al (2004) Complication of partial stylohyoidectomy for treatment of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy and an alternative surgical technique in three cases. Equine Vet J 36 (6), 546-550 PubMed.
- Walker A M, Sellon D C, Cornelisse C J et al (2002) Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy in 33 horses (1993-2000). J Vet Intern Med 16 (6), 697-703 PubMed.
- Bedenice D, Hoffman A M, Parrott B & McDonnel J (2001) Vestibular signs associated with suspected lightning strike in two horses. Vet Rec 149 (17), 519-522 PubMed.
- Tabamo R E & Donahue J E (1999) Eastern equine encephalitis: case report and literature review. Med Health R I 82 (1), 23-26 PubMed.
- Paradis M R (1998) Tumors of the central nervous system. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 14 (3), 543-561 PubMed.
- Blythe L L (1997) Otitis media/interna and temporohyoid osteoarthropathy. Vet Clin North Am 13 (1), 21-42 PubMed.
- Tietje S, Becker M & Bockenhoff G (1996) Computed tomographic evaluation of head diseases in the horse: 15 cases. Equine Vet J 28 (2), 92 PubMed.
- Mayhew I G & Washbourne J R (1990) A method of assessing auditory and brainstem function in horses. Br Vet J 146 (6), 509-518 PubMed.
Other sources of information
- Rush B R (2004) Vestibular Disease. In: Equine Internal Medicine. Eds: Reed S M, Bayly W M & Sellon D C. Elsevier, USA. pp 579-588. ISBN: 0 7216 9777 1.
- Hahn C H, Mayhew I G & Mackay R J (1999) Diseases of Vestibular and Cerebellar Structures. In: Equine Medicine & Surgery. Eds: Colahan P T, Mayhew I G, Merritt A M & Moore J N. Mosby Inc, USA. pp 941-945. ISBN: 0 8151 1743 4.