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Chronic bronchitis
Synonym(s): Chronic tracheobronchial syndrome
- Chronic airway inflammation.
- Defined as coughing on most days of at least two consecutive months during the last year.
- Signs: coughing.
- Diagnosis: radiography, bronchoscopy, cytology.
- Treatment: anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators, airway therapy.
- Prognosis: guarded - chronic progressive disease, relapsing course due to irreversible airway changes.
Presenting signs
- Chronic cough.
Acute presentation
- Cyanosis and exhaustion.
- Syncopal episodes.
Age predisposition
- Middle-old age.
Breed/Species predisposition
- Any breeds.
Cost considerations
- Long-term medication and monitoring.
- Unknown.
- Inhaled irritants repeated over prolonged period, months or years (cigarette smoke, atmospheric pollution, cold air).
- Previous respiratory infection may play a role.
Predisposing factors
Underlying respiratory pathology
- Chronic damage to respiratory tract.
- Genetic factors → mucus clearance deficits (not proven in dogs).
- Age (>7-10 years).
- Inhaled irritants.
- Previous respiratory infection.
- Obesity Obesity complicates disease.
- Initiating factors → chronic airway inflammation, poor ciliary performance, increased mucus secretion → airway thickening, obstructive disease → bronchiectasis Lung: bronchiectasis /bullous emphysema Lung: pulmonary emphysema.
- Inflammation and excessive mucus → plug small airways → secondary bacterial infection possible.
- Thickened, obstructed airways → air trapping → ventilation/perfusion anomalies → secondary damage.
- Bacterial or viral infection may precipitate acute deterioration in condition and contribute to chronic damage.
- Months-years.
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Further Reading
Refereed papers
- Recent references from PubMed and VetMedResource.
- McKiernan B C (2000) Diagnosis and treatment of canine chronic bronchitis. Twenty years of experience. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 30 (6), 1267-1278 PubMed.
- Mantis P, Lamb C R & Boswood A (1998) Assessment of the accuracy of thoracic radiography in the diagnosis of canine chronic bronchitis. JSAP 39 (11), 518 PubMed.
- Padrid P & Amis T C (1992) Chronic tracheobronchial disease in the dog. Vet Clin North Am 22 (5), 1203-1227 PubMed.
- Padrid P A, Hornot W, Kurpeshoeu C & Cross C E (1990) Canine chronic bronchitis - a pathophysiologic evaluation of 18 cases. JVIM 4 (3), 172-180 PubMed.