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Pleural fluid: differential cell count
- Normally minimal amount of pleural fluid present.
- The number and type of cells found in pleural fluid varies with different conditions.
- Inflammation increases cell count.
- Cellularity generally increases in cases of modified transudates, eg heart disease, neoplasia, and particularly inflammatory exudates Pleural: effusion.
- Diagnosis of pleural effusion Pleural: effusion.
In combination
- With evaluation of other pleural fluid parameters,eg protein Pleural fluid: protein , microbiology Pleural fluid: culture and sensitivity , cytology Pleural fluid: cytology.
Other points
- One of a range of laboratory tests performed during diagnostic work-up of pleural effusion.
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- Total cell count by electronic or hemocytometer chamber as for WBC Hematology: leukocyte (WBC).
- Direct Giemsa or Diff-Quick smear for cytomorphology - examine edges and feathered ends of smears.
- Widely available.
- Can be performed in practice laboratory.
Technique intrinsic limitations
- Clumping or fragmentation of cells may distort count.
Technician extrinsic limitations
- Contamination of sample with blood may obscure the cell count.
Result Data
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Further Reading
Refereed papers
- Recent references from VetMedResource and PubMed.
Other sources of information
- Willard M D (1989) Fluid Accumulation Disorders in Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods. Chapter 10. 1st edn. Eds Willard, Tvedten & Turnwald. W B Saunders. pp 229-242.