bovis - Articles
Caslick operation
Synonym(s): vulval surgery
- The surgical procedure used most commonly to correct pneumovagina is the Caslick vulvoplasty.
- The condition of pneumovagina Pneumovagina, is where there is the involuntary aspiration of air into the vagina, caused by inadequate vulval lip closure as a result of poor vulval conformation
and/or injury (commonly from the previous parturition) such as a vaginal tear.
- The aspiration of air and other material (in particular fecal material due to the anatomical location) can result in chronic reproductive tract inflammation, infection and infertility.
- Correction of pneumovagina is multifactorial, but Caslick's operation remains the most common surgical treatment.
- Relatively easy procedure to carry out.
- Minimally invasive procedure.
- When used under the correct circumstances; it is an effective procedure for the treatment of pneumovagina.
- Repeated surgical procedures are not necessarily fair to the cow and welfare should be a consideration.
- The Caslick's operation requires repeated opening and repair for breeding and parturition.
- This repeated cycle can result in excessive scarring, loss of labial tissue and plasticity, and eventual failure of the technique (particularly when excessive labial tissue is removed over time).
Technical problems
- Repeated cycles of the Caslick procedure on the same animal can result in excessive scarring, loss of labial tissue and plasticity, and eventual failure of the technique (particularly when excessive labial tissue is removed over time).
- Excessive labial tissue removal at the time of the procedure can result in excess scarring and poor vulval conformation.
Time required
- Preparation:
- 5 - 10 min for local anesthetic Local anesthesia: overview infiltration and 5 min for aseptic preparation.
- Procedure:
- 5 - 10 min.
Decision taking
- Criteria for choosing test:
- Pneumovagina Pneumovagina or as part of a 2nd or 3rd degree perineal lacerations Trauma: vulva and vagina injuries.
- Risk assessment:
- The conformation of the vulva and the number of times the procedure has been carried out on the animal.
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Further Reading
Refereed Papers
- Recent references from PubMed and VetMedResource.
- Prado T M, Schumacher J & Dawson L J (2016) Surgical Procedures of the Genital Organs of Cows. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 32 (3), 727-752 PubMed.
Other sources of information
- Dugdale D, Blachard T & Munroe G (2017) Vulva: Caslick operation [online] Last accessed 20th November 2017. Available at
- Fubini S L & Ducharme N (2004) Farm Animal Surgery. 1st edn. Elsevier Health Sciences, USA.