Vaginal mucus: collection and assessment
- This article describes how to perform a vaginal mucus assessment in postpartum cattle.
- Abnormal mucus in the vagina is a symptom of endometritis, metritis and/or cervicitis in the postpartum cow.
- The presence of mucopurulent, purulent or fetid vaginal mucus has been shown to be associated with a greater uterine bacterial growth density and mucus odor has also been associated with a greater acute phase protein response, indicative of inflammation.
- Assigning a clinical endometritis score is indicative of the likelihood of treatment success. Thus, collecting and scoring vaginal mucus is a simple method of diagnosing endometritis in the postpartum cow.
- Low cost.
- Minimally invasive.
- Aids in decision making process of when to treat postpartum endometritis.
- Potential to introduce contaminants into the reproductive tract if hygiene procedure not maintained.
Alternative techniques
- Palpation of the reproductive tract.
- Ultrasound of the reproductive tract.
- Vaginoscopy.
Time required
- Obtain a history for the cow:
- Calving date.
- Problems during parturition, eg dystocia Dystocia, reproductive tract injury or other contributory factors, such as twin calves.?
- Postpartum problems, eg retained fetal membranes Retained fetal membranes: removal?
- Milk yield below expectations Investigating milk drop: dairy herd?
- Clinical history: farmer observations and treatments administered.
- Assess the cows general demeanor.
- Ensure safe handling area to perform procedure.
- Approximately 2 mins.
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Further Reading
Refereed Papers
- Recent references from PubMed and VetMedResource.
- Pilz M, Fischer-Tenhagen C, Thiele G, Tinge H, Lotz F, Heuweiser W (2012) Behavioural reactions before and during vaginal examination in dairy cows. Applied Anim Behav Sci 138 (s 1-2), 18-27.
- Pleticha S, Drillich M & Heuweiser W (2009) Evaluation of the Metricheck device and the gloved hand for the diagnosis of clinical endometritis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 92 (11), 5429-5435 PubMed.
- Williams E J, Fischer D P, England G C W, Dobson H, Pfeiffer D U & Sheldon I M (2005) Clinical evaluation of postpartum vaginal mucus reflects uterine bacterial infection and the inflammatory response to endometritis in cattle. Theriogenology 63, 102-117 PubMed.
- Sheldon I M & Noakes D E (1998) Comparison of three treatments for bovine endometritis. Vet Rec 142, 575-579 PubMed.