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Contact dermatitis
Synonym(s): Irritant, allergic
- Cause: may be irritant contact dermatitis (more common) or allergic contact dermatitis (rare).
- Signs: variable pruritus and pain, erythema, macules, papules, pustules, edema, vesicles, crusts in contact areas with reduced hair cover.
- Diagnosis: removal of contact irritant leads to resolution.
- Treatment: eliminate irritant from environment.
- Prognosis: good.
- Cement dust, freshly laid cement, plaster dust, acids and alkalis, corrosive substances eg waste motor oil.
- Weed and insecticidal sprays, fertilizers eg nitrolime (calcium cyanamide).
- Cleaning products (soaps, shampoos, detergents, disinfectants).
- Some plants eg Commelinanceae family including Tradescantiae, also Urtica spp, Helenium, Euphorbia, Cleome, Digitalis (foxglove)
, Pteridium (bracken)
Bracken fern poisoning.
- Urine, feces and wound secretions.
- Preservatives, dyes and polishes eg on head collars, calf jackets, harnesses for draught animals.
- Plastics and rubber eg calves fed milk replacer from buckets.
- Wood preservatives eg creosote.
- Bedding, such as treated wood products, paper waste, 'green' bedding (treated manure), sand etc.
Predisposing factors
- Increased moisture decreases the normal barrier function of the skin allowing closer contact of the irritant or allergenic substance to the skin surface.
- Prolonged immersion in water, urine and fecal contamination of skin and excessive sweating all predispose.
- Sparsely haired body areas predisposed eg muzzle, face, lower limbs, perineum and ventrum.
- Irritant contact dermatitis caused by prolonged skin contact with irritant substances in sufficient concentration to cause dermatitis in all individuals without immunological mediation.
- Allergic contact dermatitis caused by type IV hypersensitivity reaction where antigens penetrate the skin in suscepible individuals. Requires prior contact and sensitization to the material eliciting the dermatitis.
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Further Reading
Refereed Papers
- Recent references from PubMed and VetMedResource.
Other sources of information
- Scott D W (1988) Large Animal Dermatology. W B Saunders, USA.
- Smith B P. Large Animal Internal Medicine. 5th edn. Elsevier.