Water hemlock poisoning in Cows (Bovis) | Vetlexicon
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Water hemlock poisoning

ISSN 2398-2993

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Synonym(s): cowbane, water cowbane, poison parsnip, bulb-bearing water-hemlock, western water hemlock, Douglas water hemlock, snakeweed, spotted water hemlock, spotted parsley, spotted cowbane, water dropwort, deadmans fingers, suicide root


  • Cause: ingestion of Cicuta species.
  • Signs: gastrointestinal and neurological, particularly convulsions.
  • Diagnosis: based on history, clinical signs and access to the plant material.
  • Treatment: Supportive.
  • Prognosis: good if there are only mild signs and survival beyond 8 hours; poor in animals with pronounced neurological signs and convulsions.

Geographic incidence

  • Cicuta is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly North America and Europe.
  • They typically growing in wet meadows, along streams and in other wet and marshy areas.
  • Cicuta species are difficult to identify, particularly in early spring when only the fleshy roots are present.
  • On cutting the root of Cicuta species characteristic chambers are visible and drops of yellowish oil exude which has the odour or raw parsnip. The oil quickly oxidizes to a brownish substance.
  • The related plant Conium maculatum (hemlock) has a purple spotted stem and a mousy odor.
  • These plants are very similar to other members in the family Apiaceae and may be confused with a number of other edible and poisonous plants.
  • Roots of the European and American species of Cicuta have been mistaken for wild carrot (Daucus carota), parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), angelica (Angelica sylvestris), artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), sweet anise (Pimpinella ansium) or sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas).

Age predisposition

  • None.

Breed/Species predisposition

  • None.

Public health considerations

  • None.

Cost considerations

  • Risk of stock loss.
  • Cost of control and eradication from grazing areas.



  • Cattle will eat water hemlock readily, particularly new growth although this may be tolerated due to low concentrations of toxins.
  • The concentration of cicutoxin varies throughout the year. It is present in greatest concentration between autumn and early winter, and is found mainly in the yellow oily juice of the roots.
  • In spring the concentration in leaves and stems increases to concentrations sufficiently high to prove fatal, if ingested in sufficient quantity.
  • Most cases of poisoning occur in the early spring, when other plants may be unavailable or less attractive. The tuber is palatable and also most toxic in early spring.
  • As the plant grows toxicity decreases until the flowers and seeds develop; deaths have been reported from ingestion of mature umbrels and fruits. Mature leaves in late spring and summer are less hazardous and poisoning generally only occurs in these seasons if the tubers are consumed.
  • Wet weather may make water hemlock roots more accessible to animals, leading to episodes of poisoning. In early spring the roots may be partially above ground due to winter frost and ice and may be available when other plants have little material available for forage.

Predisposing factors


  • Roots may be exposed following wet weather.
  • Grazing along water courses.
  • Lack of availability of other vegetation.


  • All Cicuta species appear to be similar in toxicity.
  • All parts of the plant are toxic, particularly the root.
  • The main toxin is cicutoxin, a polyacetylene alcohol. Another compound, cicutol, an alcohol, is relatively non-toxic as demonstrated in a mouse bioassay.  There may also be other substances present in the plant that are equally or more toxic that cicutoxin.
  • The concentrations of cicutoxin and other components vary with geographical location and season.
  • The exact mechanism of poisoning is unknown.
  • Cicutoxin affects Na+ and K+ channels and delays repolarisation. Prolongation of the action potential at excitatory synapses could promote excitatory activity.
  • Cicutoxin is a powerful CNS stimulant (having similar actions to strychnine) that blocks gamma-amino butyric acid A (GABAA) receptors causing neuronal depolarisation resulting in grand mal convulsions and death.
  • Cicutoxin may also have cardiopulmonary effects.


  • Signs may occur suddenly, usually within 15-60 minutes, death can occur quickly (within 15 minutes) or up to 8 hours after ingestion.
  • Animals may be found dead with evidence of a violent terminal struggle.
  • Recovery may take 4-5 days.


  • Cicuta poisoning in cattle occurs mainly in North America and Europe.


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Further Reading


Refereed Papers

  • Recent references from PubMed and VetMedResource.
  • Panter K E, Gardner D R, Stegelmeier B L, Welch K D & Holstege D (2011) Water hemlock poisoning in cattle: Ingestion of immature Cicuta maculata seed as the probable cause. Toxicon 57 (1) 157-161.
  • Uwai K, Ohashi K & Takaya Y (2000) Exploring the structural basis of neurotoxicity in C(17)-polyacetylenes isolated from water hemlock. J Med Chem 43, 4598-4515.
  • Wittstock U, Lichtnow KH & Teuscher E (1997) Effects of cicutoxin and related polyacetylenes from Cicuta virosa on neuronal action potentials: a comparative study on the mechanism of the convulsive action. Planta Medica 63, 120-4.
  • Panter K E, Keeler R F, Baker D C (1988) Toxicoses in livestock from the hemlocks (Conium and Cicuta spp.). J Anim Sci 66 (9), 2407-13.
  • Smith R A & Lewis D (1987) Cicuta toxicosis in cattle: case history and simplified analytical method. Vet Human Toxicol 29 (3), 240-1.
  • Völker H, Schulz O, Albrecht K & Siering W (1983) Poisoning by cowbane (Cicuta virosa) in fattening bulls. Monatshefte für Veterinärmedizin 38, 11-13.
  • Grundy H F & Howarth F (1956) Pharmacological studies on hemlock water dropwort. Brit J Pharmacol Chemo 11 (3), 225-30.
  • Anet B, Lythgoe M H, Silk S & Trippett S (1953) Oenanthotoxin and cicutoxin. Isolation and structures. J Chem Societ 66, 309-322.
  • Jenkins L & Jackman E R (1941) Water hemlock. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Extension Bulletin 559, 4 pages.
  • Fleming C E, Peterson N F (1920) The poison parsnip or water hemlock (Cicuta occidentalis). University of Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 100, 1-23.
  • Hedrick U P (1897) A plant that poisons cattle. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 46, 1-12.

Other sources of information

  • Burrows G E & Tyrl R J (2013) Toxic Plants of North America. 2nd edn. Wiley Blackwell, USA.
  • Panter K E, Gardner D R, Holstege D & Stegelmeier BL (2007) A Case of Acute Water Hemlock (Cicuta Maculata) Poisoning and Death in Cattle after Ingestion of Green Seed Heads. In: Poisonous Plants: Global Research and Solutions. CABI Publishing. pp 259-264.
  • Kingsbury J M (1964) Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada. Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
